I teach classes that center queer, trans, and feminist ecological theories and methods

I have been trained by feminist teachers who taught me the power of utilizing the classroom as a place of imagining the world otherwise. From content to community building, the classroom, for me, remains a place of revolutionary potential.

  • This course examines a range of texts and cultural production about how the future is theorized from marginal places.

  • This course centers the field of Jotería studies and its analytics to think about the relationship between Chicanx and Latinx gendered racialization and broadening our understanding of the environment from these fields.

  • This course takes its understanding of the X in Latinx from Alan Peleaz Lopez’s seminal essay which outlines the wounds of colonization and its gendered anti-indigeneity and anti-blackness in constructions of latinidades. We center contemporary issues facing Latinx communities, and we study culture, immigration, and race from these perspectives.